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A photo of a Vanguard employee standing on a mobile lift placing a Vanguard cardboard box on a shelf.

Vanguard Filebank

Document Storage in London, Bristol & Manchester. Vanguard Self Storage are proud to offer a comprehensive and secure file storage service through our sister company, Vanguard Filebank. So if you’re in need of an outstanding document storage provider in London, Bristol or Manchester, look no further.

At Vanguard Filebank, you can expect to find the same high-quality, customer-friendly services we offer right here at Vanguard Self Storage. Not only that, but you can also rest assured that your documents will be stored safe and sound in our clean, environmentally stable archive facilities.

All business records are handled and stored by our experienced, trusted and skilled teams in our secure facilities. Documents are straightforwardly organised, meaning we can retrieve your documents for you quickly and efficiently. We can also deliver your documents directly to you, either the same or the next day with our ‘just in time’ service.

Examples of paperwork you could store with us include:

  • Tax documents
  • Financial statements
  • Invoices and bills
  • HR and payroll documents
A photo showing a team of Vanguard employees outside the Vanguard Self Storage branch in Staples Corner.

We tailor our business records services to suit your individual requirements. On the one hand, we provide simple storage, but on the other, an entire tracking, cataloguing and confidential destruction service for your convenience.

To benefit from our document storage and archive services yourself, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team at Vanguard Filebank today.

Vanguard Filebank

Looking for Document Storage?

In recent years the core part of Vanguard has been the provision of storage services and Filebank is a key part of that.

To benefit from our document storage services yourself, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team at Vanguard Filebank today.

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